Tesla Model-S is a great car

              So I was reading recently this article on the website called electrek.  This site is dedicated to publishing news on electric vehicles.  In the article that is mentioned above there is a story about a girl that takes her fathers Tesla and then crashes it.  The cool thing about this story and why it is not a tragic story about 5 teenagers deaths is that the Model-S is such a safe vehicle.  Oh and did I mention that before the crash the car was in the air for 82 feet.  I thought that this would be an interesting projectile motion problem to find out how fast the car was going in order to be in the air for 82 feet.
So here we go...


So there is a scene in Wall-e where Wall-e is out in space and he has a fire extinguisher and he is using it as a rocket to propel himself toward Eva.  Then they dance around outside and have a great bonding moment when Wall-e shows Eva that he has the plant that she was looking for.  Anyway the scene is one of my favorite is the movie and I know that this movie is really old but I just re-watched with my kids and I thought that it would make a great blog post because I think there is no way that you could actually do that with a fire extinguisher. So here we go the Wall-e post.

Oh and here is the scene if you want to watch it before you move on with reading the post.

2000 Marbles

So this next post is going to be about this video I recently saw on YouTube. Is it about a musical machine that this guy made that makes music with 2000 marbles. Well here is the video.....

So as you can see there is a lot of physics going on here. We are going to look at just a little bit of it. So here we go...

I told you I was going to be back.

So last time I left you with a incomplete analysis of a jump shot that Stephen Curry took back in January.  Well I am back to it. If you don't remember the shot here it is.

For a more complete analysis here it is.....

Here we go...

I have been thinking about writing this blog for quite a while. Ever since I started reading Allain Rhett's wired blog.  I really like the way that he thinks and explains things.   I kinda hope that I can get my readers to learn much like he helps his readers learn.  But mostly I think that he learns the most by making his blog and I think that I will do the same.  I have always heard that by teaching you learn the most so that is really why I am doing this.  I would like to stretch myself and learn more. I also don't think that anyone will ever read this so I am writing this mostly for myself.  Anyway here we go....

I have thought quite a bit about what I want my first post to be about and I wanted to combine a few of my passions.  So I am going to combine hard work, basketball and physics.  So naturally I am going to start with,  Stephen Curry.